DWG-DXF management. When a drawing in DXF, DWG and DWF formats is imported, the drawing is imported into a container with the structure of the original drawing inside. In this version of the program, functions have been introduced to better manage this structure.
DWG-DXF dialog. The DWG-DXF Layer command from the Edit menu,
after selecting a DWG-DXF import, opens the window below, which shows
all the layers present in the import:
DWG-DXF import. The DWG-DXF import procedure has been modified so that, at the end of the import, the following operations are performed automatically.
The imported item is selected.
The imported item is zoomed in so that it appears centered on the screen
The DWG-DXF layers dialog for the imported and selected item is displayed
Version 10005 – 10.0.5
10004 – 10.0.4